Posters Designed for Masjid Al-Rahma Centre
Markaz Al-Rahma Centre
Markaz Al-Rahma Centre
Masjid Al Rahma Centre
Masjid Al ikhlas
Markaz Abdullah Ibn Al- Mubarak weekly Friday sermon poster.
Salafi Daʿwah Davao poster. We follow Qurʾan, Sunnah, upon the understanding of the Salaf and we try to connect the people to the scholars.
Masjid us-Sunnah poster for live lesson “Tafseer of Surah al-Maa’aarij” .
Al-Fawaaid Learning Centre– Certified Learning Centre providing Arabic Language & Islamic Education | Established in 2022
Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah in Lahore poster for Eid Est. 2015: Quran and Sunnah as understood by the best three generations | Helping the needy.
Eid’l Fitr Poster for Masjid al-ikhlaas.
Fouta Islamic Center of Philadelphia Lecture Poster.